專題文獻庫 Book Database for Special Topics
〖專題文獻〗庫是瀚堂重要的一個數據庫,多个主庫,例如〖中醫藥文獻〗等數據庫都是從〖專題文獻〗庫裏面孕育出來的。 〖專題文獻〗庫中精心設計和實施的分庫是〖大家書房〗,目前已經開立了『明末清初』、『清朝中期』和『清末民初』等專庫,〖出土文獻〗庫也被收錄其中。
〖出土文獻〗庫含甲骨文、金文、簡帛、印章、錢幣和石刻等分庫,是目前唯一的集成性的中國出土實物文獻數據庫, 其中的〖甲骨文〗分庫目前已經收納了所有公開發表的甲骨文資料。『金文』分庫以張亞初《殷周金文集成引得釋文》為最重要資源,涵蓋所有青銅器銘文資料,圖文直接對照。
The Database for Special Topics is one of Hytung's most important databases. It
houses the special sup-databases such as 『明末清初』,『清朝中期』and『清末民初』.
The Chinese Archaeological Materials Database has sub-libraries that contain Oracle
Bone Inscriptions, Chinese Bronze Inscriptions, Silk writings, seals, and Stone
Inscriptions. This database is the only one that integrates China’s archeological
inscriptions into one literature database. Among these inscriptions, the “Oracle
Bone Inscriptions” sub-library has collected all public Oracle Bone Inscriptions
available. The Chinese Bronze Inscriptions sub-library is considered very important
because it covers all Chinese Bronze Inscription data by matching the images of
the characters to the digitalized text. The “seals” sub-library which is the largest
public “Seals” database has already stored around twenty thousand pre-Qin Dynasty,
and Han Dynasty seals it also has the seals of some Ming and Qing Dynasty painters.
- 書目
- 大家書房
- 臺灣文獻
- 漢譯世界名著
- 出土文獻
- 敦煌文獻